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"Goy Bashing" - The Liberal Legacy of Hate

June 25, 2019

wolfdick.jpg(left. Dick Wolf, Producer or the Law & Order Series.)
For more than 70 years,
the Liberal Jewish-controlled media have relentlessly attacked traditional American values. It must answer for the destruction of the social fabric due to its promotion of feminism, sexual dissipation (aka "liberation") abortion and homosexuality. I am reproducing a 2010 article about the liberal propaganda in "Law & Order."  (I cannot watch this show.)

In his book, Culture of Critique, Kevin MacDonald documents this hate-fueled, satanic media attack on the American psyche masquerading as "social change" &  "progressive." (See Preface to First paperback ed. p.lii ff)  Today, this attack has moved to the next stage:  false flag terrorism ultimately leading to the loss of freedom.

Law & Order
"portrays Christians as hypocrites, perverts and murderers." Throughout history, Illuminati Jews have subverted host nations in order to created a New World Order dedicated to their god Lucifer. If anyone objected, they were "anti-Semites. "

By Colleen Raezler
("Conservatives, Christians Real Victims of NBC's Liberal Law & Order," March 10, 2010)
Edited by

NBC's "Law & Order: Special Victims Unit" has consistency working in its favor: the biggest "victims" are... conservatives and Christians.

Part of "SVU's" appeal is its ripped-from-the-headlines storylines, but the program's writers frequently use these storylines to promote liberal agendas and to bash Christians.

Three different episodes have aired since February 10 and all promoted a liberal agenda. In the past month, audiences saw Christians portrayed as kinky sex addicts and murderers, heard propaganda that supports the idea of special punishment for hate crimes based on sexual orientation, and heard the detectives on the show refer to the abortion debate as "pro-choice or no choice."

"Law & Order: SVU" is a spin-off of the long-running "Law & Order" series. Actress Mariska Hargitay and actor Christopher Meloni star as Detectives Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler in the program, which follows the cases of the NYPD's Special Victim Unit. Detectives in this unit focus on sex crimes. According to NBC, the show "has received numerous citation from community-based organizations for the social issues it tackles."

Just like its sister programs, which have repeatedly slammed businessmen and conservatives, "SVU" takes its shots at traditional values and promotes liberal solutions to the "social issues it tackles."

Christians in Hollywood: Closet Perverts with Murderous Tendencies

On March 3, NBC aired back-to-back episodes of "SVU," for double the liberal bias.

One of them, "Savior," focused on a killer who left prayer cards on the bodies of the prostitutes he murdered, and whose final words to the victims were, "Are you ready to meet your Father?" Ultimately, the killer turned out to be a lay minister.

This story arc allowed "SVU" writers to portray Christians as hypocrites, perverts and murderers.

In solving the case, evidence led Benson and Stabler to Mike Gallagher, a man whose wife claimed he had turned his life around after finding God. Viewers found out how far from the Christian life he had strayed after DNA evidence linked him to a murdered prostitute. His outward religious beliefs increased the scrutiny of him because of the prayer cards present at the murder scenes.

Gallagher first revealed in an interview with Stabler that he had a "thing" for young girls. Later, he told Stabler his wife was a "prude" and that "it's not a crime to want a little variety in [his] sex life" before admitting to trolling the Internet to find women who would satisfy his desires, which included "toys, role play and threesomes." And apparently, choking women and putting guns to their heads while having sex.

savior law order svu lee tergesen chris meloni.JPG(Stabler talks sense to Christian Pervert)

The portrayals of Christians got worse once Benson and Stabler tracked down the real culprit, Billy Skaggs.

During an interrogation, Skaggs told Stabler "There is a better life waiting for girls like her [the murdered prostitute] in heaven," that "God put [him] on this earth to fight Satan's grip on these girls' souls" and "Sometimes dying is better than living."

"Whoever did this isn't a murderer," Skaggs insisted. "Whoever did this sent these girls to heaven out of love."

Just to reinforce the notion that Skaggs was a lay minister, the character spouted Scripture verses during a line up and a court hearing that he believed justified his murderous actions.

"What more shall by done to you? Sharp arrows of the warrior, deliver my soul to my father from a lying deceitful tongue," he paraphrased from Psalm 120 while in the line up. He continued from Hosea 13:16, "They shall fall by the sword, their infants dashed to pieces, and their women with child ripped open."

During the court hearing, this "Christian" man screamed at the young prostitute who identified him, "Satan has penetrated you 13,000 times you whore! God demands your repentance, not mine!

To the judge, he spouted from Psalms 11, "He who sitteth on high, upon the wicked, he shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and a horrible tempest: This shall be the portion of their cup!"

"P.C.:" Politically Correct Crimes

The other March 3 episode of "Law & Order: SVU" focused on a serial rapist who targeted lesbians, including a "Jane Doe" who died during the assault. Kathy Griffin, vulgar comedian and outspoken gay rights activist, guest starred as a militant lesbian named Babs Duffy intent on tracking down the culprit. A much hyped teaser showed Griffin kissing Benson in a scene that did not air during the show's broadcast.

grffin.jpgBut even without the lesbian kiss, the show's writers were able to use the story line to highlight same-sex marriage and push for stricter punishments for crimes against homosexuals by portraying lesbians as victims of unfair "discrimination."

During an interview between Dets. Benson and Stabler and the victim's girlfriend, Sharon Harris, Harris told them the victim "was the love of my life. And my fiancée ... we were gonna get married in Connecticut in May."

After Duffy tried to kiss Benson, the detective consoled her by simply saying, "The heart wants what it wants," effectively saying that homosexuality is a genetic trait.

Other sound bites from the episode tried to show the "unfair" discrimination lesbians and gays face, even when the "discrimination" in question was a direct consequenceof their actions that had little to do with their sexuality.

When Stabler arrested Harris after she punched him, Duffy immediately claimed "police brutality," apparently because Stabler was arresting a lesbian, never mind the fact that the woman had just hit him.

Harris also fulfilled the role of mouthpiece for the gay agenda by claiming it's all about her sexuality to Benson after her arrest. "Straights never understand people like me," she claimed, before accusing Benson, "You want to put me in jail because of who I am."

Duffy was also the spokesperson for gay rights activists who claim police do not do enough to protect gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders.

"This woman's name is Alisa Davies, just one more lesbian who's dead because of the NYPD," Duffy exclaimed after bursting into the station.

The captain's insistence that "Special Victims is uniquely sensitive to the needs of the LGBT community," along with Benson's account of how attuned the division is to the needs of the gay community, were not enough to satisfy Duffy.

"All a bunch of bureaucratic suck-ups, co-opted by the dominant hetero-normative paradigm," she labeled the division's work with an anti-violence project and its gay officer's action league.

And through Duffy, the writers were also able to throw in a couple zingers that blamed men for any violent acts women commit.

In Harris's defense after she hit Stabler, Duffy told him, "Women resort to violence only when provoked by male oppression." She had noted Stabler's "piss poor patriarchal attitude" in an earlier exchange.

As the plot unfolded, viewers eventually found out that Babs Duffy was in a romantic relationship with a man.

But even the pointed remarks about same-sex marriage and the "discrimination" gays and lesbians face wasn't enough to satisfy the folks at the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.

GLAAD expressed its disappointment over the episode because producers cut the lesbian kiss between Griffin's character Babs Duffy and Benson. Producers not only cut the kiss, but included a line from Benson that warned another female detective to keep her distance from Duffy. GLAAD also found "the unoriginal victim and man-hating lesbian stereotypes" to be "offensive."

The organization also claimed that NBC "discredited" the message of Babs Duffy - that lesbians face an epidemic of hate - by making her "just another stereotype: the confused, sex-crazed bisexual."

We weren't aware that "confused, sex-crazed bisexual" was a stereotype, but will be sure to look out for it from now on.

Continues here

Makow Review of MacDonald - The Jewish Century -

Kevin MacDonald's Books

Makow - The Jewish Banker Conspiracy -

---------- The Illuminati Reality Bubble

--------  How Kulture is Contrived

--------- Jews and the Devil 

--------  Confessions of an Ex-Luciferian Jew 

NPR Can't Stop Talking About Jews

Watch Obama Pay Tribute to Zionist Gods  (Bro Nataniel) - See more at:
Makow - The Jewish Banker Conspiracy -

---------- The Illuminati Reality Bubble  

--------  How Kulture is Contrived -

--------- Jews and the Devil -

--------  Confessions of an Ex-Luciferian Jew

NPR Can't Stop Talking About Jews -

Watch Obama Pay Tribute to Zionist Gods  (Bro Nataniel)

Makow - The Jewish Banker Conspiracy -

---------- The Illuminati Reality Bubble

--------  How Kulture is Contrived

--------- Jews and the Devil 

--------  Confessions of an Ex-Luciferian Jew 

NPR Can't Stop Talking About Jews

Watch Obama Pay Tribute to Zionist Gods  (Bro Nataniel) - See more at:

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for ""Goy Bashing" - The Liberal Legacy of Hate"

Anonymous said (April 27, 2013):

i am a big fan of Law & Order, but i prefer the Major Case series. I saw the SVU episode with Kathy Griffin as a militant lesbian feminist. Yikes! It actually portrayed her correctly in a negative light. Same as the Christian prostitute murderer. Obviously, that guy was insane and demon-possessed - quoting Scripture, but twisting it's meaning. i recognize it as a SHOW, where the writers invent plausible, but highly unusual stories to entertain their audience. Sure, they reveal their biases, but how could they not. We are all human. So I keep my filter in place and enjoy the show.

They have probably done shows about MRAs, although none come to mind. Or about fathers who have been stripped of their children and money by a greedy psycho wife and the family law system. Not only will the writer's (and editor's) biases come into play, but so will those of each viewer. I will sympathize with the male victim, whereas women may identify with the wife.

In Harris's defense after she hit Stabler, Duffy told him, "Women resort to violence only when provoked by male oppression." She had noted Stabler's "piss poor patriarchal attitude" in an earlier exchange. - See more at:
In Harris's defense after she hit Stabler, Duffy told him, "Women resort to violence only when provoked by male oppression." She had noted Stabler's "piss poor patriarchal attitude" in an earlier exchange. I would love to see this response by Stabler, after a man hits Duffy. "Men resort to violence only when provoked by female oppression." And... He had noted Duffy's "piss poor feminist attitude" in an earlier exchange.

In Harris's defense after she hit Stabler, Duffy told him, "Women resort to violence only when provoked by male oppression." She had noted Stabler's "piss poor patriarchal attitude" in an earlier exchange. - See more at:

Bryan said (April 26, 2013):

Those episodes are nothin'. You should seen the one a few years back about how it was okay for a lesbian couple to molest their daughter.

Hans said (April 25, 2013):

Bashing Christians is entertainment and freedom of speech;

bashing Jews is a hate crime!

"Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good."

Who said the Old Testament is the holy book of the Jews???

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at